Genesis 1:2
“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”
There was nothing….and God was near, hovering. In Hebrew the word for hovering or moving is the same as the word relaxing. Seeing potential. Imagining what could be.
Today is day 1/365 of 2019. As we stare at the year ahead for some of us it may seem as if we have nothing. It’s dark. From a relational, financial, emotional standpoint, or maybe 2018 wiped you so clean that you feel like you have nothing. I have nothing to offer. I have nothing left. I lost it. Here’s the beauty of it… God is close to nothing. He’s with you, seeing what can be, imagining what you’ll see and do this year. You don’t have nothing, you have God and He’s CLOSE TO NOTHING! A single word has eternal ramifications.
Father may we be grateful. In the lack may our faith increase as we see you near, hovering, close to nothing. We have you, that gives us the winning hand. May this year be filled with wins that steamed from potential, may the dreams imagined become the realities that you consider “GOOD” this year. In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 2:49-50
“And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.”
Jesus was left behind and His parents were frantically looking for Him. In Luke 2:46 you can see they had looked for a full 3 days. That meant going to sleep or at least trying after failing to find your Son. The one that was supposed to save people from their sins. “Welp we messed this one up.” Soon after they find Him in the temple, in church. The statement Jesus made when questioned would sound disrespectful, and one would probably land where Mary and Joseph did, not understanding. “Why did you look for me?” That’s the key… “You should have known where to find me…” IN CHURCH!
Jesus was about His Fathers business. He was in church learning, growing. Just a couple verse later it says that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and favor. Church is not a place we scratch off a task list but a vital piece of our growth. Though as vital, Church is more than the Sunday service, it’s the ministries outside of the Sunday context as well. V.46 “…listening and asking questions.”
The Savior of humanity knew what was key to His and OUR development, so should we. I think this is more than a manipulative tactic to gain church attendance, but rather, a clear call to be about our Father business. “Mom, Dad, you should have known where to find me, IN CHURCH!”
Father please forgive us who have lead or served in YOUR Church if we caused it to have a negative connotation or caused a negative experience for someone. Help us to grow in wisdom, stature and favor in Your house. May our children be about Your business and grow as well. In Jesus name.
Genesis 6:5
“Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
God created man, after some time that creation only thought and did evil. God, with a grieved heart sees the evil and the inability to turn from sin and purposed to wipe out mankind and begin again. In this verse it says, “His eyes were attentive to the evil done by men.”
Sometimes bad things happen and we can question, “where is God?”. At times, it has been said, “Does God even see all the evil in this world?”. In this verse we can can see that He DOES and that He has a plan in place to address it. No longer will He destroy humankind, but He’s unrolled a plan of grace for those who are evil to repent of their ways and reach to Jesus. If not…Hell awaits those who reject Him. HE SEES! He does see the wrongs towards us and will act. He’s not an Oblivious God.
Father I know You’re watching… Not only the evil done by the world, but the wrongs I do. Thank You for Your grace that forgives and covers me and thank You that this grace is available to us all.
Luke 4:43
“but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.””
Jesus was in Capernaum, (Peter’s hometown) flipping it upside down. Although this is one of His favorite places to be, He comes to the end of His “crusade” and tries to leave the city. The residents of the city plead with him to stay, but Jesus replies, “I have to go to other cities too.”
We will see great moves of God in life. Miracles follow believers. You don’t need to purchase a cloth for $7.99 to receive or see these miracles. No, God is the Author of these miracles. We have to be careful not to stay stuck in a great season where we see God move and think that’s the only way, or time that He moved. That season was just that, a season. God wants to do more! There’s more!
Father I’m so grateful for the miracles and beautiful seasons where Your hand was evident in my life and around me, but I know there’s more. I know You want this power to be spread and reach the whole world. Help me/us to have a broad vision of what You want to do and not get stuck in a season. In Jesus name I pray, amen!
Luke 6:24
““But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation.”
Jesus goes on a mountain and consecrates His 12 disciples, making it official. He comes down and begins to do what only Jesus can do. After proclaiming blessings for righteous acts (Beatitudes), Jesus makes a hard right and rebukes the rich. Not in a money is evil way, but saying, “If you thrive to be rich, that’s your reward.” To be earthly rich. Period. No peace. No joy. Just money.
God has blessed us. For some, it’s financially, spiritually, emotionally, etc. May we never hoard those blessings, but use those things God has given us to bless others and expand His Kingdom! The moment we release what God has placed in our hand, we will watch as others are blessed and we get blessed in the process. I’d rather have a GOD IOU, than the highest possession on Earth.
Father use my life in its entirety to be a blessing to others. May I not get familiar and comfortable in a season of blessing and cause that to be my reward, but may I always be ready to bless someone and not stop up the flow You created.
Luke 5:3
“Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.”
Peter (Simon at the time) had just finished trying to fish with no avail. Him and his guys begin to clean the nets as Jesus jumps in his boat and begins to preach. “Hey Simon, push Me out a little bit.”
Peter does so in obedience. Soon as the message is done he is now asked to pull into the deep and try to fish again. I could imagine he thought to himself, “Man I just cleaned my nets, this guy doesn’t know fishing, it’s late, I’m tired, my guys know there’s no fish…” Instead he simply says, “I have and nothing, but whatever You say.” Soon after, he’s calling the other boat and BOTH begin to sink from the amount of fish they caught!
When you use your time, talent, treasure to serve Jesus, He will always take care of you. Psalms 37:25 “I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.” When God says go, don’t think about it, GO! He got you! It might not make sense, but faith will always cause you to sink in blessings.
Father may we be ever sensitive to Your direction and obedient to You even when it doesn’t make sense. We have trust in You and that You’ll always take care of us. Use our boats to declare Your glory and sink us in Your blessings.
Luke 8:53
“And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead.”
On the way to heal Jarius’ daughter, Jesus gets interrupted. Stop by a woman turned daughter, who had an issue of blood, but was completely healed. This interruption culminated in a message saying that Jarius’ daughter has died. Long day. “They ridiculed Him”. “They” were the family, friends of Jarius. “They” saw her lifeless body. She’s dead. Been dead for a while now. But Jesus steps in to the house and says she’s only sleeping…? Then proves to them that His off the wall, “ridiculous” declaration was REAL!
There are things that we have been standing around crying about. Mourning. We had hoped Jesus would fix it, but He never showed up and the opportunity, door, relationship, deadline is gone. I believe Jesus is one ridiculous word away from awakening those dead areas! He didn’t get sidetracked, time doesn’t exist to Him, neither do limits! He’s on His way!
Father in the moments where I don’t see an exit or your hand settling the situation, may I always remember that you don’t operate in time, but your ALWAYS ON TIME! In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 9:3
“And He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece.”
Jesus sends out the disciples 2 x 2’s, to go into the towns and practice what they have learned. He gives them clear instructions as to what to do and what not to do. What to take and what not to take. He then tells them not to take a staff, bag, bread, money or an extra tunic. Clearly making them trust God for their resources.
There will be moments in life where God will call you to do things in which your own resources and abilities will be useless or not allowed. In those moments, and I believe all moments, God will supply the strength, the wisdom, the opportunities, the relationships to accomplish the mission He’s asked you to. It’s never been about us or how good we are or can do something. It’s always been about obedience and faith that He got us!
Father increase my trust in you! In moments where I don’t have it, may I rely on you and have full confidence that you got me. In Jesus name, amen!
Genesis 25:21
“Now Isaac pleaded with the LORD for his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.”
Abraham (Issac’s Father) has been given this promise that he will have descendants that rival the number of stars in the sky or sand in the shores. The problem is he’s almost a hundred and his wife is just as old. In miraculous God fashion, she has a son and now the son is faced with the same barren predicament. Rebekah is barren. How is the promise going to be fulfilled?
Moments will come that will test your promise. If God said it, He’ll do it, regardless of what it looks like in the natural. In moments of doubt and uncertainty, we need to take a page out of Issacs book and plead! Prayer is the one weapon God has given us to fight for our promise, our family, our healing, our marriage! Regardless of what it looks like, plead and believe God!
Father when the enemy rises up and tries to cloud the promise, help us to raise our voice and plead! I pray that you would be attentive to our cries and answer us Father. We love you. In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 11:9
““So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Jesus is teaching the disciples about prayer, and the power found in persistence. He then steps it up and gives a great nugget to add to persistence.
Ask, seek, knock are all about action. Jesus give us results that stem from our actions. Jesus is painting a picture of us actually going further than just talking, but actually pressing in and moving passed a passive state of conversation! We have to ask, but we also need to seek, look… we are also to knock, chase after that door that you need opened in prayer and watch God open it. Faith + Action = Miracles
Father may my petitions reach Your ears and may You answer swiftly. I also I ask that You give me the boldness and energy to seek and knock for those miracles I desire. In Jesus name, amen!
Genesis 31:7
“Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.”
At this point, Jacob has served Labán for 20 years. 7 for Leah, 7 for Racheal and 6 for his livestock. In this process Labán tricked and lied to Jacob several times. Here he’s telling his family that he’s leaving Labán and going back home. While speaking to his wives he blurts out this nugget.
There will come moments of doing what’s right in a bad/toxic environment. In those moments the sole motivation is that God is watching and rewarding. You may get cheated in the process, but God, according to this promise, will never allow for you to get hurt. He’s watching and if it takes an hour or 20 years, you’ll get all yours with interest!
Father in moments of pain, frustration, or sheer evil around me, may my posture be one of humility and trust that You got me. As I continue and don’t get hurt enough to stop, give me the strength to move forward and recognize when Your hand is protecting me so I can give You praise! In Jesus name, Amen!
Luke 12:21
““So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.””
Jesus begins to tell the disciples a parable about a selfish rich man that only uses his money to store up and save. He boasts about tomorrow, only to have God take his life and the money not go with him. Jesus makes a statement, “…and is not rich toward God.”
What a thought! That we can actually be rich toward God! We can invest in the things of God with treasure, time and our talents, and God considers us rich. We don’t see the physical currency of this faithfulness, but like everything we believe, there is a faith element that tells me, “I’m rich in God”. God is my currency! (PRAISE BREAK!) That’s some VALUE there! I can pay for things money can’t buy!!! I will preach the SOAP off this devotion right now!
Father thank You for making me rich in You. Thank You for the privilege we have to watch our generosity create spaces for people to give You glory! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 14:28
“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it —”
Jesus is explaining to His disciples the cost of following Him. He draws a pretty strong line. With the language He uses, there is no room for interpretation. It’s Me first.
Count the cost, what are you willing to pay for this? God has asked us to put Him first. Not your mom or wife. Not your kids or family. God is first. This call to put Him first is not a request as much as it is a command. In counting our cost, God is asking us to be intentional. What does it mean to build on this message? What does carrying my cross really mean? Do I have to go public with this? Am I ready to give everything up for Jesus? Can I make that payment? YES! Being a disciple of Jesus is an action, not a title. We must fully trust that on the journey He will sustain us. It’s not a call to hate your family, it’s a command to put Him first. In turn, you’ll love your family/friends/world more. That initial jump is scary, but think long and hard, then start building!
Father, I know the cost. The long nights, the rejection, the failures, the lack, but I trust You in the midst of all of these things. Send me Lord, I’ll go! Whatever the cost! In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 15:1
“Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.”
Jesus is talking about the “bad guys” that come to hear Him. This comes on the heals of a heavy message to leave everything and follow Jesus in Luke 14. He’s surrounded by sinners, when the “righteous guys” get mad.
May we live a life that is so attractive to sinners that they would feel comfortable to be challenged and helped. That they would consider us a good source of truth. May we never put up a wall that says, “you don’t belong”, but on the contrary, may we always have the door wide open to dinner and a HUGE sign out front that says, “Come and Hear.”
Father help me to be intentional and so full of love that the lost would draw near to me. May the words and action I use around them cause for them to draw near to you. In Jesus name, amen!
Genesis 39:2
“The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.”
Joseph has lofty dreams that he shared with his family prematurely. The contempt in his brothers heart came to a head when they devise a plan to get rid of him. They sell him to some Ishmaelite’s instead of killing him. What they intended to hurt him with, turned out to be God’s plan all along.
Sometimes God will take you from those that don’t like you, that slow you down and want to hold you back. He will put you around people you may not agree with, but they will make you better! God’s plan may not look like your plan. It may include loss and pain. You may lose some people on the journey, but it’s God’s plan. He got you.
Father, it may not make sense, it may hurt, I may lose those who are closest to me, who are supposed to protect me. But I trust You, and Your plan. In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 17:6
“So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”
Jesus destroys the religious leaders with a few heavy statements (Luke 16). He then turns to His disciples and begins to speak to them about forgiving people. The Apostles, I would guess, were probably thinking, “how”? They knew the absolute strongest weapon they possessed was Faith. So they asked Jesus to increase their faith.
In the midst of an “I can’t” mindset, Jesus is teaching us that we’re right. We can’t! Conquering the impossible begins with your faith. A faith in God! That He can do it. The apostles were asking for their belief in God to be upped, because they could not do any of the things Jesus told them, but they knew God could!
Father I thank you for the moments that were too heavy for me or just out of reach. I thank you that in those moments I saw You lift more and reach farther than I could ever! Help me believe more and trust that You can Jesus. I’m so grateful I get to do this life with You. In Jesus name, amen.
Genesis 45:5
“But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.”
Jacob’s sons have gotten rid of Joseph. They were jealous of him for so many reasons, which culminated in an attempt to kill him. Ultimately they sell him to some Ishmaelite’s. Eventually Joseph rises to power and the very promise that God gave to Abraham was at stake. A miraculous turn of the events creates a reunion with Joseph and his brothers. They discover that he is alive and are broken. Joseph extends forgiveness and sees God‘s hand in the midst of their entire story.
Putting Joseph in a pit, then selling him to some Ishmaelite’s was probably the biggest mistake Jacob’s kids have ever made. Yet on the heels of this mistake, God proves to be faithful. Romans 8:28 “all things work together…” There needs to be this resolve inside of us that does not allow us to sink in sorrow or regret over the mistakes we make, but actually pushes us to repent, turn away from repeating the same mistake and trusting that God will take that mistake and turn it into a miracle.
Father I have missed it plenty but I am so grateful that beyond my mistakes You were and are Faithful. Thank You for taking our momentary weaknesses and turning them into miraculous wins. In Jesus name, Amen!
Luke 19:36
“And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road.”
Jesus is making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He is coming to the end of His 33 years. In just a short while the people will ask for Him to be crucified. After He has given directions for the disciples to get the donkey, He rides into town with it, an event usually reserved for the King. The act of riding in on a donkey was an announcement that He was the King! The people begin to throw palm branches and their own clothes on the road for Jesus to announce His arrival. A persons clothes has always been symbolic of their identity. (Luke 15:22, Matthew 17:2, Revelation 3:5) Here we see the people casting their identity on the ground for Jesus to announce He is King!
Make every effort to use your identity to announce that Jesus is King. Let your anger turned patience announce He is King! Let your pain turned forgiveness announce He is King! Allow for your character to not waver in the face of adversity or temptation and allow for Jesus to announce that He is King!
Father may my identity and character reflect You and cause for You to announce that You are King! Strengthen me in the weak areas and may my identity be steadfast in You. In Jesus name, amen!
Genesis 50:21
“Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.”
Joseph’s brothers were scared now that Jacob has died. All their actions have come back to haunt them. They write a letter and repent before Joseph in hopes of mercy…”he’s going to kill us”. Joseph wept. His forgiveness was genuine and they didn’t believe it. So he takes it a step forward and takes care of them and their family.
Forgiveness speaks so much louder when there’s action attached to it. There has been moments in life where we have been wronged, maybe not sold away as a slave, but in the midst of that pain we have to forgive. A God step is not only to forgive, but to add action to our forgiveness. That sounds a lot like the Gospel. We sinned against God, then, not only did He forgive us, but He gave us His Son!
Father thank You for Your forgiveness. Thank You for taking a God step and offering Your Son in our place. In turn Lord please give us the strength to forgive and attach action to it. In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 21:13
“But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.”
Jesus begins to paint a picture of what the last days on Earth will look like. In the midst of the signs and tribulations, He begins to tell the disciples (and us) that we will be persecuted for our faith. In that persecution don’t lose heart, it will be an opportunity for us to share our story.
Our story is one of the strongest tools God has given us to share our faith and point a light towards Jesus! Every pain turned praise, every mess turned message, is used to give God glory. Your current situation or future trial is going to birth a story that you will use to show God is who He says He is! Document it, write it down. This will help you properly demonstrate His power to the world!
Father there are moments that we can ask why. Trials that bend us so much that we lose sight of Who’s we are. I pray that in moments of strong adversity that You would remind us that You’re there and that we need to document the journey to properly demonstrate Your power! In Jesus name, amen!
Exodus 3:3
“Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight; why the bush does not burn.””
Moses is feeding his flock and doing his job when he sees a bush that’s on fire and not consumed. He turns aside to go see the bush and why it doesn’t disintegrate. Thinking it’s just a bush.
God will place ordinary things on our path that perform in an ordinary way. He likes to use the normal things, even the foolish things. We have to be careful not to think it’s just a bush, but to approach each blessing, though visibly miraculous or ordinary, with the expectation that God’s in the bush! God’s in the assembly line; He’s in the insurance contract; He’s in the entry-level job; He’s in the $10 an hour.
Father, help me to see you in the midst of the burning bush. May my amazement not be in the way the ordinary has become extraordinary, but may I always be amazed by You! In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 23:56
“Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.”
Jesus has died. His body has been laid in a cave, and the women who followed the horrific events are home, trying to rest. It is the Sabbath. A day of commanded rest. It’s in this model that Jesus, in the past, has performed miracles. But not like this…
I remember when DVR & TiVo were a thing. You could fast-forward and rewind shows instantly. With the plethora of streaming options, DVR and TiVo aren’t as awe-inspiring. As we look at the story of the death of Jesus, we have the privilege of fast-forwarding, and we know He raised after the 3rd day. These ladies did not. They were still following the rules and resting while Jesus was stripping death of its sting and taking the power from hell and the grave! It’s in our rest that Jesus does the WORK! Don’t be so quick to put spices and fragrant oils in a situation. Relax, rest. Jesus is working on His day off!
Father though it looks grim and the promise looks dead, help me to trust that You’re on the job! That You haven’t forgotten. Help me to rest in You while You fight my battles. In Jesus name, amen!
Luke 24:8
“And they remembered His words.”
Women have gone to the tomb only to see that the stone has been rolled away and Jesus is not in there. In their disbelief, two angels stand at the door and tell the women that He is alive! Immediately, the Bible says they remembered His words.
We would skip so much pain and heartache if we remembered the way these ladies remembered Christ’s words. When the marriage is falling apart, remember Christ’s words: “What God has joined together, let no man separate.” When the stress of life is overwhelming, as the women, may we remember His words, “Come to me…I will give you rest.” Remember His words, write them on your heart that you would never forget!
Father thank you for the words Your Son spoke in the Bible and over our lives. We declare His words over our situations and in moments of dark disparity. We remember His words! In Jesus name, amen!
Exodus 13:17
“Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt.”
God has brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt with a strong hand! An undeniable miracle has taken place—as a matter of fact, 10 miracles! Each of these is tied to an Egyptian “god”, and our God, demonstrating His power, has shown who is the One True God. As they finally headed out of Egypt, they could have taken a shorter route through the land of the Philistines, but God knew they weren’t ready for the fight ahead. Knowing their hearts, He took the long way.
There are moments where we feel like we’re taking the long way, and we know that there’s an easier route. In those moments, trust God and give Him thanks because He knows you and He knows what you can bear (2 Corinthians 10:13). He will always have your best interests in mind, even if it means going the long way.
Father, in moments of anxiousness and wanting to go through the short cut, calm my heart and let my faith be pointed towards You. I know you know me better than I know myself. You know the path I should take. In Jesus name, amen.
Exodus 14:15
“And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.”
It’s go time for the Children of Egypt! They have been released from Egypt and are now stuck between the Red Sea and Pharaoh. On his final renege, he is heading full force to annihilate Israel. God says, “Stop waiting on me and go!” Only one problem… there’s NOWHERE to go!
When Pharaoh is behind us in the form of bills, lack, sickness, and relational drama, we HAVE TO “stop crying and go”! The potential missing element here that would be detrimental to miss is that WE HAVE TO HEAR GOD’S VOICE! We have to stay close enough and attentive enough to hear what the next move is. Even if the move sounds impossible. We won’t hear it as we complain or cry, but we will hear it as we draw near to Him.
Father, when the Red Sea is in front of me and Pharaoh is behind me, may I always remember that You encamp around me and I am protected. As You encamp around me, allow my ears to be as attentive to Your direction as Your ears are to my cries. In Jesus name, amen.
Exodus 17:13
“So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.”
In there first battle as a free nation, Moses and the Israelites are experiencing God’s MIGHT firsthand! He has given the victory to Israel, and their job was to hold Moses hands up and fight…but here’s the thing: they have never fought in a war setting up until this point.
I believe God is calling us to jump into situations we’re not ready for. To fight fights we’ve never trained for. To conquer armies without a single military strategy. I have full confidence that we can do these things because Jesus fights for us! No longer are Moses’ hands raised by the efforts of Aaron and Hur, but we have a King that was lifted on a cross, buried, and stepped into hell, in which He took the keys of death, hell, and the grave to resurrect and be raised for all eternity! Jesus is the better Moses, who is lifted high so that we can win the war!
Father, thank You for Your death, burial, and resurrection! Thank You for being lifted up and daily providing the strength and victory we need to push Your Kingdom forward! As we fight, Lord receive Glory unto Yourself! In Jesus name, amen!
Acts 4:13
“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”
Peter and John have been arrested and are being questioned about the authority with which they healed the beggar that they knew would sit at the front of the church and beg. Never mind the fact that they knew and walked by the beggar without extending a hand. Peter BOLDLY proclaims Jesus and leaves them dumbfounded. Untrained and uneducated men impressed the learned.
We don’t have to have it all figured out; we don’t have to know the latest theological terms to be able to operate in Jesus BOLDLY! Education and growth are vital parts of a believer, but being with Jesus will leapfrog all of those things and cause you to draw on and have at your disposal the very power of God! “…and they realized they had been with Jesus!” Let’s be a people marked by God with evidence that we have been with Jesus!
Father let me not trust in my own intellect or ability, but as I spend time with You, increase my witness that men and women would without a shadow of a doubt know I have been with YOU! In Jesus name, amen!
Acts 5:42
“And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”
The beginning of the early church in the book of Acts was filled with miracles, signs, and wonders. It was filled with men and women giving everything to each other. It was filled with the idea that God was the most important thing.
We have a responsibility to teach and preach Jesus. This has nothing to do with a microphone and a large crowd. Daily, we have opportunities to have conversations about Jesus. Take those opportunities, and NEVER allow satan to trick you into thinking you’re invading someone’s space or they don’t want to hear it. The truth is satan INVADES everyone’s space all day long without any reservation. Radio, tv, advertising, etc. are FILLED with his agenda. We cannot be so reserved if he is so aggressive. Oh, and by the way, we didn’t want to hear it, but thank God someone told us!
Father, help me in my everyday life to share Your story with the world. Creatively and traditionally. Strengthen me and give me boldness in times I’m embarrassed or timid. Help the voice of believers drown out the voice of satan in this world. In Jesus name, amen!
Acts 6:15
“And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel.”
The disciples have been judging trivial things and have decided to elect faithful men to judge between the people so that they can devote themselves to studying and praying. One of the men appointed was named Stephen, a devout Christian who loved the Lord. Shortly after being appointed, men and women rose up who could not win an argument with him and decided to accuse him. When the process began, something was different.
There is nothing you can do about false accusations or misunderstandings. Luke 17:1 says that it is impossible for offense not to come. In moments where life throws the wrong cards at you, stand your ground and allow them to see the God in you. If we walk away from the situation vindicated or condemned, may it always be said of us that we looked like Jesus!
Father, I pray that in moments of pressure and trouble, I may look like You. That one would see my face and not see a man accused, but a Child of God. In Jesus name, amen.
Exodus 29:29
“Aaron’s sacred garments will belong to his descendants so that they can be anointed and ordained in them.
God is giving Moses the game plan for Aaron and his children. Their family will serve God as priests. The previous chapter spoke about the attire they should wear in much detail. Then God says something different. The successor, Aaron, must wear his garments to be handed the role.
It’s extremely interesting and telling that God would create such a rule. I believe it actually points to Christ. This is why David could not put on the garments (armor) of Saul. He was not to be like Saul; he could not follow his pattern. I love how Galatians 3:27 says that we are “clothed in Christ.” Jesus wanted to make sure He left the right garments of righteousness for us to be anointed and ordained in! When we “put on Christ,” we are ready for whatever life throws at us, and we are well equipped to serve God, not because of our righteousness but because we “put on Christ!”
Father, thank you for adorning me in Jesus every day. Thank you that I don’t have to walk under my authority or anointing, but I carry the mantel of Jesus. I have been anointed and ordained in the clothes of Christ! In Jesus name, amen!