Would you consider joining us on this journey?
There are 3 ways for you to help us reach our city.
“Fervent prayers produce phenomenal results!”
That families would know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference.
That God would direct, bless and protect the Pastors and team members of GC.
That God would give us the finances for us to do all He’s told us to.
That God would give us influence in our city.
“Finances are the transportation, not the destination.”
Pray and ask the Lord what He would have you give financially to Greater Church.
Ways to Give
Give by Mail – Make checks payable to: Greater Church
P.O. Box 1051 Kennesaw, GA 30156
Give by Text – (770) 999-9957
Give Online – Please click below.
For more information, please click below.
Join A Team
“We don’t use people to build the church, we use the church to build people.”
We would love for you to link arms with us as we serve our city. Fill out the form below and we’ll give you the information you need to choose a Team to serve with on Sundays.