A Letter From Our Pastors

Greater Together is much more than a catchy slogan.
It is the cry of our heart to watch a diverse body of men and women encounter the God that changed our lives.
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13
The one question we’ve gotten repeatedly is: Why?
Why leave the sunny beaches? Why leave your home, friends and family?
Why leave everything, to plant a church?
“The Church literally saved my life.”
I was far from God. Growing up in the streets of Miami I lived a reckless life. In my early years I was heavily involved in gangs and had the bullet holes, head scars, and a double digit arrest record to prove it. By 19, I had been in jail 13 times and on my last trip facing more years than I could live out. I remember walking into a prison bible study…”Church”. In that small room I heard and finally understood the Gospel. In that small room I grew in my faith, preached my first message and led others to Christ. The Church in its most non-tradition sense literally saved my life. – Pastor Cheno
I grew up in church. I had a loving family, but several decisions in my early adult life caused me to walk away from the faith and live a rebellious life. A decade later a friend was radically saved at a small local church and began to tell me of the joy she now lived in. Knowing this person, who was far from joyful, and I myself, never experiencing such joy in church, decided to give God a last shot and walked through the doors of that local church. Everything changed. The Church literally saved my life. – Pastor Lydia
That’s the why… whatever space in the journey someone may find themselves in, we want them to know that there’s a God that loves them, that took the first step to start a relationship with them. That’s why Greater Church will exist, to reach the lost and empower the found. We want to love people, ALL people and to be that safe place for the broken, the hurting and the lost to run to!
The local Church is the hope of this world!
We believe this so much that we’re giving our lives to it!
Connect with Ps. Cheno on Social Media
Connect with Ps. Lydia on Social Media